Our Mission

“Weave a holistic pathway of wellness through employment”

With the right supports employment is achievable and sustainable. Work Opportunities can provide those supports. Work involves a contract between two parties : the employer and the employee. There are rights and responsibilities on both sides. We can help clarify situations and act as a go between for both parties to make sure that everyone understands and respects the rights and responsibilities of employment.

About us

Work Opportunities Trust was formed in 1993, the trust in previous years had been called The House and Garden Workers Trust.

Being an independent charitable trust means that we can offer support longer than the current Ministry of Social Development contract provides.  Some clients have been receiving support from Work Opportunities for many years enabling them to stay in long term meaningful employment.

Here at Work Opportunities there is a focus on overall wellbeing and exploring new possibilities. We take time to get to know our clients and we find ways together to make a positive difference.  We see our clients worth and potential and inspire them to imagine their possibilities into realities.

We have extensive experience with how mental health challenges make finding paid employment much harder. We spend time getting to know our clients, this results in open and honest communication that helps with setting goals and working towards achieving them. Our team of specialist work one on one with individuals for as long as required for no fee.

Our mission is to weave a holistic pathway of wellness through employment. We focus on nurturing hope and creating new possibilities. We are here to communicate peoples worth and potential so they will be inspired to believe in themselves. Mental Illness does not discriminate, our client base or those who access our service consists of people that come from a variety of employment backgrounds and life journeys.

The Work Opportunities Trust supports everyone to fulfil their employment goals in a way that honour their individual needs. Whether your life journey is just beginning as you have graduated from high school or university, or you have been actively involved in the trades, excelled in the academic world, or gained no formal qualifications The Work Opportunities Trust can help you with the next stage of your journey.

If you would like more information about how we can help you, click the button below to get in touch!

Work Opportunities offers a supported employment service for people who experience mental illness and are looking for paid employment in the community. We are here for you. Click the button below to get in touch!